Webinar recording - Quality Control for the Withdrawal of a Sample from a Sample Container
Member price: $85
Non-member price: $100
CALA, and your laboratory customers, require that your laboratory have technical procedures and quality control procedures to properly subsample the material from a sample container. Whether the laboratory collects the original test sample or not, quality control procedures that apply to the field sampling target often apply equally to subsampling out of the sample container.
This webinar will discuss where to find information on how to subsample, how to do validation and quality control on the subsampling activity, and show some techniques for establishing subsampling control charts and uncertainty for the subsampling activity.
Note: This webinar was recorded prior to the release of ISO/IEC 17025:2017. The concepts covered are still valid under the 2017 version of the standard.
Your purchase of a webinar recording gives you and your laboratory access to the recording for 30 days.